Energy Fuels is the largest US miner of the uranium. It produces the uranium both in form of triuranium octoxide and uranium hexafluoride. Besides the core business, the secondary products of Energy Fuels are rare earth elements and vanadium. Founded in 2006, the company has its headquarters in Lakewood, Colorado. One can trade it under the ticker (UUUU) at the New York Stock Exchange. Investors in shares of the mining company are participating, therefore, in the company success story on the one hand and in the price development of the uranium commodity on the other.
Currently, we expect a new bullish cycle within the energy commodities like oil, gas, coal and others. Consequently, uranium should turn higher as well. Besides the market correlation in the energy group, the pattern of $UUUU shows a turn higher after 13 years of depressed prices in monthly charts as well. Moreover, weekly chart shows […]
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