Uranium veteran John Borshoff was excited last year, now he’s even more bullish

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U308 now trading at uS$56/lb, up from under US$20lb in 2016

60 new reactors under construction, 104 planned, 338 proposed

China now becoming a major player John Borshoff last year warned nuclear utilities which had failed to incentivise new uranium mines into production would find themselves caught out just like carmakers desperately short of lithium, who found themselves paying through the nose last year as their EV production plans ramped up. Now the boss of uranium hopeful Deep Yellow (ASX:DYL) , which sees a pathway to developing its Tumas mine in Namibia by 2026, says his conviction in uranium’s bull case is even firmer.Famously volatile spot prices have been among the few commodity indexes to have an air of stability this year.Having languished as low as under US$20/lb — deep in lossmaking territory for most producers — when the former Paladin Energy (ASX:PDN) […]

About the author: StockMan

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