By 2030, there will not be enough uranium production to meet demand, even if every single idled mine and planned project goes into production .
That’s the base case (most expected) scenario. The Nuclear Fuel Report 2019, World Nuclear Association. Let that sink in for a minute.
Now look at the upper case scenario, in which uranium requirements are expected to be about 103,500 tonnes in 2030, and 137,600 tonnes in 2040: The Nuclear Fuel Report 2019, World Nuclear Association. Hectic.You don’t need to be a clairvoyant to see what’s coming.We need new uranium supply, FAST. But when are uranium contract prices going to rise enough to justify new mines?That’s the million dollar question.Two new research notes from BMO Capital Markets and Morgan Stanley now say today’s spot price – about ~$US30/lb – is just the start of a rally in prices over the next few years to the ~$US50 […]
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