VANCOUVER, BC, Oct. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ – Uranium Royalty Corp. (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSXV: URC) (" URC " or the " Company ") announces that it is entering into contracts for an additional four spot purchases totaling 400,000 pounds of U 3 O 8 at an average cost of US$45.00 per pound U 3 O 8 . Deliveries will be accomplished in October-December 2021 through book transfers to URC’s storage account at Cameco Corporation’s Fuel Services facilities in Ontario, Canada.
As a result, URC will hold a physical inventory of 1,048,068 pounds U 3 O 8 in the Cameco storage account at a weighted average cost of US$37.64 per pound. The latest Trade Tech daily spot price is at US$47.25 per pound as of October 18, 2021, leading to an increase in the net realizable value of URC’s physical uranium holdings to US$10.07 million.
It is within URC’s mandate to make periodic […]
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