PALM BEACH, Fla., April 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — News Commentary – Uranium prices have spiked 50% this year and are set to climb further on stockpiling Bank of America (BofA) says, according to an recent article in Market Business Insider. Uranium prices have soared 50% this year and look set to climb even more, Bank of America said last week. The investment bank raised its uranium price estimates for 2022 through 2027 by 20% on average. The article said that the uranium supply has contributed to this year’s surge in prices for the nuclear-energy element and Bank of America in adjusting its price outlooks foresees further gains. It continued saying that: " Uranium spot prices have climbed 50% year-to-date in hitting $63.60 a pound, with most of that gain — 47% — taking place since… late February, the investment bank said in a last week’s research note. At […]
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