Uranium price breaches US$60 a pound as demand outstrips supply

It’s getting harder by the day to ignore the uranium revival as the price breaches the US$60 level with stockpiles shrinking and demand comfortably outstripping supply.

If it was any other commodity the price would almost certainly be a lot higher as would the share prices of the small band of Australian mining companies prepared to go where few have gone in the past 50 years.

Uranium, however, is a special case. Not just because it can be used in massively destructive nuclear weapons but also for its boom/bust history which first seduces investors and then slams the door on them. Invest in the latest ASX IPOs and placements Role of history and decarbonisation

History could repeat the bruising sell-offs which followed nuclear accidents at Three Mile Island in the US, Chernobyl in Ukraine and Fukushima in Japan, though this time around there is a new factor offsetting the negatives; decarbonisation.Limiting […]

About the author: StockMan

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