Does Europe need Niger’s uranium?

The French-owned Orano uranium mine near Arlit in northern NigerImage: Maurice Ascani/Areva/AP Photo/picture alliance Niger ‘s greatest treasure lies underground: Uranium is the most important commodity in the Sahel state. But coup plotters have been in charge for just over a month, fueling fears that the uranium supply to global markets is in jeopardy.

France , the former colonial power in Niger, is in a particularly tight spot. Around two-thirds of its electricity comes from nuclear power plants powered by uranium sourced in Niger. It also exports electricity to other countries in Europe that have no nuclear plants of their own. Uranium mines in Niger

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activeclosed© OpenStreetMap contributors*Tap on icons to displaySource: Wirtschaftswoche Dealings with France ‘unequal’ In the wake of the coup in Niger on July 26, the economic cooperation and military partnerships between the two countries are on the line.Niger’s new military junta under […]

About the author: StockMan

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