Uranium mining has proven to be one of sectors of the local economy that has shown resilience during the COVID-19 crisis, an executive said.
The long-term positive outlook of the uranium industry allowed Namibia to successfully manage a long period of depressed uranium prices.
The executive director of the Namibian Uranium Institute Dr. Gabi Schneider reiterated that the uranium industry has indeed proven to be resilient during the pandemic, as mining continued and the production figures for 2020 are only marginally lower than in 2019 before the pandemic.
She said uranium exploration also continued unabated, adding that after an initial period of minimal operations and maintenance during Namibia’s first lock-down, the mining industry was allowed to return to full production.However, this was obviously subject to the various regulations that have been published by Government ever since. However, even before regulations were gazetted, the industry had compiled elaborate protocols themselves, which ensure that […]
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