The global uranium market has not yet been impacted by recent geopolitical events, speakers from uranium suppliers said during a session of the World Nuclear Fuel Conference 2022 in London. However, they agreed that the longer-term future is uncertain but the industry can bring capacity online to avoid any shortages. The uranium mining panel at WNFC 2022. From left to right, moderator Treva Klingbiel, Kazatomprom’s Askar Batyrbayev, Orano’s Nicolas Maes and Cameco’s Tim Gitzel. "We face an unprecedented time ahead of us," said session moderator Treva Klingbiel, president of TradeTech. "We face both incredible challenges and opportunities given where we are in the marketplace, both with the need for new nuclear and the expectations and realisation that we need it and we face a supply deficit. And also on top of that, we have outsized geopolitical events that are really overshadowing and can impact much of the nuclear fuel […]
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