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Uranium Energy Corp. is a uranium mining and exploration company with financial backing from top institutional investors.
The company is among the first uranium producers in the United States to sign a large-scale contract with the federal government.
Facing a surge in demand and ample industry prospects, United Energy Corp is positioning itself as a market leader by diversifying its subsidiaries, operations, and products portfolio. RHJ/iStock via Getty Images Uranium Energy Corp. (NYSE: UEC ) is the largest American uranium exploration, mining, and processing company. UEC, headquartered in Texas, commenced developing uranium properties in the 1970s. Since then, the company has garnered an expansive portfolio of mining operations in the United States, Canada, and Paraguay. The long-term strategy of UEC is to become a regional producer of uranium without being dependent on hostile foreign governments. This strategy requires time and cash to reach fruition, both of […]
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