The Bear Traps Report founder and New York Times best-selling author Larry McDonald interviewed Sprott Asset Management CEO John Ciampaglia about uranium’s role in the global push for clean energy.
Ciampaglia said, “being a contrarian or value investor in the marketplace for the last 10 years or so has not been a popular place to be. Most investors tend to be more momentum and growth-oriented. Trying to invest in a space that was dislocated like uranium for as many years as it has not been popular up until I would say, the last few months. Things are changing.”
The Sprott Physical Uranium Fund (U.U) is up 35.44% since inception earlier this year, after Sprott acquired Uranium Partiipation Corp in July. Ciampaglia noted that Sprott has long been interested in uranium, seeing value in a substance that has enormous energy potential but had previously been out of favor due to disasters […]
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