Image Source: Brittanica With the Russia Ukraine conflict and soaring energy costs people are talking about Uranium. Uranium spot prices are at an all-time high. Image Source: Trading Economics Per S&P U3O8 spot price, a uranium oxide compound, was $50.75/lb as of 1 PM EST March 3rd. In the investment side one of the biggest news to come out is Sprott Physical Uranium Trust buying up a lot of physical Uranium. America also buys a significant amount of Uranium. America is even not banning Russian Uranium given that America imports a significant amount of Uranium.
Oil is at an all-time high. Gas prices in the US is hovering around $6 – $7 per gallon. Thanks to America banning Russian oil, Saudi Arabia and UAE not taking Biden’s calls, the US is now so desperate that President Biden is asking Iran and Venezuela to pump more oil.
According to Kyler Hardy of […]
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