Who’s climbing and who’s on the slide? Lithium, rare earths and uranium have entered June with a spring in their step. But coal is coming out of another dirty month – and has company thanks to Chinese and western economy wobbles.
Here’s the wash-up from a turbulent May.
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LITHIUM (Fastmarkets Hydroxide CIF China, Japan and Korea) Price: $US45,000/t Change: +10.42 per centFor the first time this year we welcome lithium back to the winners’ circle, as the ructions from within China that sent chemical prices tumbling from more than $US80,000/t to under $US40,000/t begin to unwind.The grim predictions from some analysts are starting to look a little misguided .Lithium prices in the world’s biggest market for the commodity have dramatically turned back for the better over the past month.According to the last weekly assessment by […]
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