Close-up of keyboard of Computer Assisted Trading System (CATS) developed by the TSX which went live in 1977. Image: TSX The Ukraine war lit a fire under an already hot potash market, coal and uranium benefitted from the ongoing worldwide energy crunch, lithium soared and cobalt bolted . Gold pierced $2,000 but couldn’t hold it and palladium hit a record only to pull back sharply. Rising tide
Investors made the most of the turmoil with the MINING.COM TOP 50* ranking of the world’s most valuable miners jumping by $335 billion in Q1, extending a trend that has seen valuations balloon nearly 150% since the lows of March-April 2020.
From just over $700 billion at the depth of pandemic slump, the globe’s 50 most valuable mining companies now have a combined worth of $1.75 trillion, handily beating the previous record valuation set mid-2021.
The index received a boost from the merger, […]
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