In a year that saw major land-based warfare return to Europe for the first time since the ’90s, global volatility has become an important challenge. Central banks have responded to geopolitical and rising rate-related challenges by buying gold, with the prospect of rates hitting their peak next year and yields stabilizing creating a path for gold and other precious metals next year. For investors looking to reflect on the year in precious metals, consider the top three gold and silver stories for 2022.
Readers were very intrigued by the news that March, defined by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, sent gold and silver prices up significantly. The invasion’s reverberations across the global economy, ranging from spiking energy costs to fluctuating grain supplies, saw investors seek traditional sanctuaries from volatility like precious metals.
The spike echoed 2020’s pandemic-driven gold price increase, with the piece citing Sprott market strategist Paul Wong and his analysis […]
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