Receive up-to-date information about the company directly via push notification The fact that a pound of uranium currently costs around 50 US dollars could be just the beginning. It is still a good 90 U.S. dollars short of the old highest price. But there’s always room for improvement. Around two-thirds of global uranium production comes from Kazakhstan, Canada and Australia. Last year, Kazakhstan produced about 43 percent of the world’s uranium, Canada about 15 percent and Namibia about 11 percent. About 55 percent is now produced by in-situ leaching. And various figures show that the demand for uranium is growing. Almost 60 new nuclear power plants were under construction at the end of 2022. There are 439 nuclear reactors in operation worldwide. According to the Nuclear Fuel Report, uranium demand is expected to increase by 27 percent by 2030 and 38 percent by 2040.
Most uranium for nuclear power plants […]
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