www.encoreenergycorp.comCORPUS CHRISTI, Texas, Aug. 4, 2021 /CNW/ – enCore Energy Corp. (TSXV: EU) (OTCQB: ENCUF) (the " Company ") announces, for greater clarity, as stated in the August 4, 2021 news release, the Company’s objective is to advance its South Texas uranium facilities towards production and as such has executed a uranium sales agreement. The Agreement covers a total of 2 million pounds U 3 O 8 at market related prices over a 5-year period starting in 2023. enCore Energy Corp. Logo (CNW Group/enCore Energy Corp.) About enCore Energy Corp.
enCore Energy Corp. is a U.S. domestic uranium developer focused on becoming a leading in-situ recovery (ISR) uranium producer. The Company is led by a team of industry experts with extensive knowledge and experience in the development and operations of in situ recovery uranium operations. enCore Energy’s opportunities are created from the Company’s transformational acquisition […]
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