Rössing Uranium open pit mine is located 12km from the town of Arandis, 70km from Swakopmund. Source: Rossing. Namibia’s oldest commercial uranium mine is to construct a solar plant as it looks to reduce its carbon footprint and offset electricity challenges faced by neighbours from which it traditionally purchased power.
Rössing Uranium announced plans to construct a 15MW AC Solar PV Plant and called for bids from independent power producers to supply it with 50,864 MWh per annum from any renewable energy source.
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The mine began production in 1976.Namibia’s Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism issued it with an Environmental Clearance Certificate, after an Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) had been successfully completed, the company said.Rössing Uranium said its decision to move to renewable energy sources was also due to import-dependent Namibia being under pressure to increase its energy production. Have you read? […]
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