It was a pretty crazy weekend, as Jeff hit it big on Thursday, Friday and even Friday evening before a big Saturday.
EAST TEXAS (KLTV/KTRE) – It was a pretty crazy weekend, as Jeff hit it big on Thursday, Friday and even Friday evening before a big Saturday. But this time Mama Steph tagged along for an estate sale.
Tupperware cheese grater This Tupperware cheese grater can snap on a container to catch the grated cheese.(KLTV) Jeff: This came from the estate sale Steph and I attended together Friday night. I was taking a break at work and looking up what sales were coming on Saturday and saw an estate sale was starting at 6 p.m. I’d never been to an evening sale and my break turned into a lunch hour. I invited Steph to come along and she was an eager participant. As soon as we walked in, we […]
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