Investing in commodities can be a risky proposition, especially if you have little knowledge about this asset class. Generally, commodities are cyclical, as the prices depend on supply and demand, making them highly volatile in the short run. This year, the price of uranium has surged higher, which means companies that mine this commodity have seen a significant spike in their stock prices. According to a report by Market Insider , the spot price of uranium has risen by 65.5% year to date, making it one of the hottest commodities in the energy sector. Does this make Cameco (TSX:CCO) (NYSE:CCJ) stock a top bet right now? Cameco stock is up close to 60% in 2021
One of the best-performing stocks on the TSX this year has been Cameco, which has gained 58% year to date at the time of writing. Cameco produces and sells uranium. It operates in […]
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