Cameco Corporation ( CCJ ) recently had a very large number of call options that were purchased are out-of-the-money. This indicates an investor or group of investors are very bullish on the uranium mining company’s prospects. Investors may end up jumping on the bandwagon, even though the stock is already up over 15% in the last month.
Undoubtedly the investors in these call options believe that the world’s sudden interest in nuclear power is not going away anytime soon. In fact, France just announced that Electricitie de France (EDF) has committed to restarting all its nuclear power reactors by winter. At present 32 of the company’s 56 reactors are down for maintenance which needs to be turned around as the country depends on nuclear energy for 67% of its power.
Given that Russia is turning the screws on Europe by cutting it off from natural gas supplies, the thinking is that […]
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