The cake is yellow, the light is green. Picture: Alan Schein Photography/The Image Bank via Getty Images Whisper the word uranium in the wind and wait a short while.
The hordes of the believers, growing more numerous as a feverish mood of optimism has set in over the past couple years, will not be far away.
It is now up to the mining hopefuls, who have grown more glowing in their visions of the future of a long downtrodden sector, to show the faith has not been misplaced.
It is one thing to talk about the window of opportunity presented by a looming uranium shortage, the reclassification of nuclear power as green energy and the impact of rising spot prices .It is quite another to build and operate a successful and profitable mine.Two ASX companies now have the opportunity to prove it can be done, after Paladin Energy ( ASX:PDN ) joined […]
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