Gold swot: could we see $40 silver within the next 12 months?

Gold swot: could we see $40 silver within the next 12 months?

Strengths The best performing precious metal for the week was platinum, up 4.64 percent on perhaps sentiment that demand should pick up with more hydrogen research and production. Gold edged up on Friday as the U.S. dollar weakened on German data showing factories recovering solidly. The yellow metal finished the week positive after a steep drop last week.

Gold exports to the U.K. from Switzerland hit a one-year high in September, according to data from the Swiss customs authority. Bloomberg reports bullion bars are being sent to London vaults to meet requirements for physically backed ETFs.

Russia’s largest gold producer, Polyus PJSC, announced its Skuhoi Log deposit in Siberia holds the world’s biggest gold reserves, according to a new audit. Data shows the deposit has 40 million ounces of proven reserves with an average gold content of 2.3 grams per ton.

Weaknesses The worst performing precious metal for […]

About the author: StockMan

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