Canvassers process mail-in ballots in a warehouse at the Anne Arundel County Board of Elections headquarters Oct. 7, 2020, in Glen Burnie, Md. Mail-in ballots have become a point of contention in the U.S. presidential election as President Donald Trump has sought to contest ballots received for processing after Election Day.
Source: Drew Angerer/Getty Images News via Getty Images What was already a turbulent period in metals markets due to the coronavirus pandemic could become even more topsy-turvy if the U.S. presidential election becomes mired in a prolonged attempt by President Donald Trump to discredit the results.Up to and after Nov. 3, commodity prices appeared to be driven by not only who would win the U.S. presidential election but also the potential for public uncertainty over the legitimacy of that win. In interviews and email correspondence with S&P Global Market Intelligence, analysts said metals markets have begun to […]
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