News Commentary
PALM BEACH, Florida, April 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — In 2020, the vanadium market had to navigate the uncertainty that COVID-19 brought to every sector of the economy. Commenting on how prices performed during the first six months of 2021, Willis Thomas of CRU Group told the Investing News Network (INN) that prices came on quite strongly in Q2. "The pandemic recovery in the world ex-China drove new demand growth, while Chinese demand remained strong," he said. The steel sector continued to be the main driver of vanadium this year, and throughout the first half of 2021 demand from the rest of the world continued to catch up with China. Now, as 2022 kicks off, global demand for vanadium is expected to grow. He added: "There is limited demand downside, as either growth is expected to slow (steel, chemicals) or increase in pace (aerospace, batteries) as all […]
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