Saskatchewan, within 25 kilometres of Uranium City where the Company has an established operational base (see Figure 1).
Goldfields Project – Phase 2 Exploration Drilling Drilling has commenced to test gold exploration targets within the hinge zone of the Goldfields Syncline, between the Box and Athona gold deposits, with the objective of making a new discovery.
An estimated 2,000 metres of diamond drilling is planned to test up to six targets which have been identified from geological and geophysical datasets (see Figure 2), with additional resource expansion drilling at the Box deposit contingent on final assay results from Phase 1 drilling completed during 2021.
Strike Uranium Project – Ground Gravity Survey A ground gravity survey has commenced over the northern portion of the Project area (approximately 2,600 hectares) to cover the 15 kilometre length extent of the prioritized electromagnetic ("EM") conductors. Ground gravity results will be utilized to detect […]
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