ORLANDO, Fla., Dec. 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — For those of you keeping an eye on the red-hot uranium sector, featured company Consolidated Uranium Inc. ("CUR") (TSXV: CUR) (OTCQB: CURUF) , a well-financed uranium company with a strategy of consolidating and advancing uranium projects around the globe, had a December to remember.
We’ll get you up to speed in just a moment, but before we do kindly allow us a moment to point you to a recent article from the venerable Market Watch about uranium.
Please click the headline below before returning to our update on Consolidated Uranium.
Why spot uranium prices have climbed to a 6-year high Yep, six year highs.O.K., back to Consolidated Uranium which posted two news events in December alone that show this incredible opportunity.First was this major addition to the c-suite:Not unexpectedly, he comes with a more than impressive resume. New president and COO Marty Tunney […]
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