Denison Mines Corp. (DML.TO) +17.3%
Spot prices of uranium skyrocketed throughout the month of September, closing at $42.60 (U.S.) per pound on Sept. 30, compared to $34.25 per pound on Aug. 31. Denison Mines, a Canadian uranium exploration and development company, saw its share price increase almost 20 per cent from market open Tuesday to market close Thursday. In its second-quarter fiscal 2021 results, the company reported revenues of $4.6 million, up from $2.9 million the prior year with a net loss of $2.4 million, down from $1 million in 2020.
Aritzia Inc. (ATZ.TO) +16.9%
Vertically integrated fashion conglomerate Aritzia reported its second-quarter fiscal 2022 results on Wednesday. Revenues increased to $350 million from $200 million the prior year with a high gross profit margin of 45 per cent, compared to 35 per cent during the second-quarter fiscal 2021. The growth in the top line, coupled with a reduction […]
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