Denison completed a prefeasibility study for the project in 2018, which forecast that the flagship Phoenix deposit would produce 6 million lbs uranium oxide (U3O8) at 19.1% U3O8 across a 10-year mine life. Wheeler River also contains a second deposit called Gryphon, which-although regarded as a first-tier deposit by Denison-is expected to trail the development of Phoenix as part of a staged development plan.
Denison, which owns 95% of Wheeler River, intends to mine Phoenix using in-situ David Cates, company president and CEO, Denison Mines recovery (ISR), a common uranium mining method which has been deployed in Kazakhstan, the United States and Australia but never before in Canada, according to David Cates, the company’s president and CEO.
Evaluating the feasibility of the ISR method has been the subject of a multi-year process of field and laboratory testing, culminating in what Denison calls a Feasibility Field Test, or FFT-which involved the injection […]
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