The transaction, announced on 31 March 2022, combines two advanced, geographically diverse uranium projects, with a combined project portfolio placing Deep Yellow in a unique position as one of the few uranium companies globally with multi-asset exposure and development optionality to deliver its stated incentive-driven production target post-2025, given the necessary incentive uranium price. The completion of the merger has also consolidated a world-class exploration portfolio across two Tier-1 mining jurisdictions, particularly the highly prospective Alligator Project, able to support the Company’s ambitious strategy of establishing +10Mlb production per annum.
Deep Yellow is now the only ASX-listed company with two advanced, near development ready uranium operations. The Tumas Project (Tumas) located in Namibia, will complete its Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) by end CY22 with potential to produce 3Mlb U3O8 p.a. The Mulga Rock Project (Mulga Rock) located in Western Australia, has completed a DFS and the Company plans to revise […]
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