Denison Corp (DNN) is a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) that operates as a uranium exploration and development company. The company focus is mainly in the Athabasca region of Saskatchewan, but it also holds interests in various uranium project joint ventures in Canada.
Uranium stocks have been hot in 2021, catching some popularity with the meme crowd of Reddit. While there is a fundamental reason for Uranium stocks to go higher, the excitement sent Uranium ETF URA up over 100% on the year.
The ETF is off 20% from recent highs and many uranium plays have pulled back well off their 2021 high marks. Investors should now ask if it’s time to get back into this niche sector.
About the Company Denison’s Key Assets include the following:Flagship Wheeler River Project: Wheeler River is the largest undeveloped uranium project in the eastern portion of the Athabasca Basin. With a 95% interest for […]
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