Key points:
There’s a reasonable argument that Yellow Cake is currently undervalued
There’s another, equally valid, that they’re not
Trading positions depend upon which argument is believed Yellow Cake (LON: YCA) shares are an oddity really. For the company itself, YCA, doesn’t particularly do anything. But then that’s rather the point of the company itself, not to do anything but simply to be.The background here is that yellow cake is the traded form of uranium. This isn’t what is put into reactors, it’s earlier in the process than that. It’s actually the output from the normal mining and processing system. This is then what is traded around within the nuclear business. It’s only once an actual reactor is ready for refueling that the yellow cake (uranium oxides) is sent through the isotopic separation plant to become actual reactor fuel. Different reactors require different styles of fuel, but all of […]
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