Editor’s Note: Get caught up in minutes with our speedy summary of today’s must-read news stories and expert opinions that moved the precious metals and financial markets. Sign up here! (Kitco News) Oil will significantly outperform gold in the next five years, which is why aggressive investors need to start favoring the former over the latter, according to Goehring & Rozencwajg Associates.
“Oil has never been priced cheaper relative to gold and the underlying trends that have forced the massive divergence between gold and oil are about to be reversed,” said Goehring & Rozencwajg managing partners Leigh Goehring and Adam Rozencwajg. “For aggressive investors, we believe now is the time to continue favoring oil over gold.”
Oil’s plunge this year presents a rare opportunity to get into the space as it has never been so undervalued relative to gold. Only twice in history has oil been similarly cheap — in February […]
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