In 2021, I outperformed the market by 20.03% with 10-15 concentrated positions.
However, the performance could have been much better if I would have avoided some mistakes.
The Chinese Tech stock selloff hit my portfolio the hardest. The following article contains a reflection on my investment decisions in 2021 and a short outlook for 2022. marchmeena29/iStock via Getty Images It’s a Wrap! 2021 has ended, and for my investments, it has been a good year. From January 01 to December 31 my portfolio appreciated by 43.16%. Meanwhile, the NASDAQ ( NDX ) returned 26.63%, the S&P 500 ( SPY ) 27.04%, the Dow Jones Industrial ( DJI ) 18.73% and the MSCI World Index ( URTH ) 20.38%. I outperformed the market by 20.03% on average. However, I made several big mistakes that I want to share. Some of them are embarrassing, but in order to grow, one […]
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