PALM BEACH, Fla., Feb. 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Those who follow the uranium market prices see higher highs in the coming year. Uranium prices, alongside many other commodities, are starting the new year strong. The big question is whether momentum can continue. When we talk about metals, there are other things such as inflation, the Federal Reserve, recession fears etc that we need to worry about. Uranium on the other hand, actually has many strong fundamental reasons for heading higher A recent article on the Equity.Guru website reported: "Sprott Asset Management CEO John Ciampaglia stated in November 2022 that nearly 180 million pounds of uranium per year is required to fuel the current global fleet of reactors . The current primary output is over 130 million pounds and is expected to rise to between 140 million and 145 million pounds by next year . Uranium rose 41% in 2021. […]
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