On April 24, 2023 at 12:18:53 ET an unusually large $13.54K block of Call contracts in Uranium Energy (UEC) was bought, with a strike price of $3.00 / share, expiring in 25 day(s) (on May 19, 2023). Fintel tracks all large options trades, and the premium spent on this trade was 1.86 sigmas above the mean, placing it in the 51.37th percentile of all recent large trades made in UEC options.
This trade was first picked up on Fintel’s real time Options Flow tool, where unusual option trades are highlighted.
What is the Fund Sentiment?
There are 339 funds or institutions reporting positions in Uranium Energy. This is an increase of 16 owner(s) or 4.95% in the last quarter. Average portfolio weight of all funds dedicated to UEC is 0.17%, an increase of 3.36%. Total shares owned by institutions increased in the last three months by 12.77% to 188,637K shares. […]
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