Night skies over Pasfield Lake. Terra Uranium Ltd (ASX:T92) has wrapped up the winter reverse circulation (RC) drilling stage of its ongoing maiden exploration program seeking major uranium deposits under cover at the 100%-owned Pasfield and Parker projects in Canada.
The company holds a 100% interest in 22 claims spanning 1,008 square kilometres forming the HawkRock Project, Parker Lake Project and Pasfield Lake Project in the Cable Bay Shear Zone (CBSZ) on the eastern side of the uranium-rich Athabasca Basin, north-eastern Saskatchewan, Canada.
The projects are roughly 80 kilometres to the west of multiple operating large uranium mills, mines and known deposits.
The CBSZ is a major reactivated structural zone with known uranium mineralisation. There has been limited exploration in the area, though, as the basin sediment cover is thicker than for the known deposits immediately to the east. Winter drilling program T92 drilled 29 RC holes at the two projects for […]
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