Out of Niger: Building an Africa of Africans, for Africans, by Africans

Ever since the coup happened in Niger two weeks ago, and ECOWAS started beating war drums, there has been an uptick in African pride and patriotism. And the social media space is not left out. Commentators and Activists on social media are calling for the head of France for exploiting Africa for so long. France must be expelled from Africa they chorus! And I largely agree.

The socio-economic and political practices and operations of France in post-independent African nations have largely had a net negative effect. Their selfish and self-driven intervention in Libya has brought chaos, small arms and terrorists across the Sahel and all the way down to Nigeria.

In a previous article of mine titled “On Niger’s Uranium, Lions and Sheep”, I highlighted France’s 63-year financial misadventure in Niger Republic and how two companies officially owned by the Government of France have been mining over 90% of Niger’s […]

About the author: StockMan

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