Imugene Ltd (ASX:IMU, OTC:IUGNF) has made several presentations, including an oral abstract and several poster sessions, on the company’s HER-Vaxx and CF33 technologies at the ASCO Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium currently being held in San Francisco, US.
IMU has been developing the CF33 oncolytic virus and the b-cell-based immunotherapy HER-Vaxx to address unmet needs in various types of cancer treatments, including gastrointestinal, breast, ovarian, lung and pancreatic cancers.
Patriot Battery Metals Inc (TSX-V:PMET, OTCQB:PMETF) ’s market value rose by over 20% today after it announced the assay results of 14 additional holes, completed as part of its drill campaign at the highly prospective Corvette property.
In a note following the update, analysts at Canaccord highlighted hole CV22-083 in particular, which intersected a 156.9m interval of 2.12% Li2O, including 25.0m of 5.04% Li2O which it said was the widest, highest-grade lithium drill intercept reported to date at the CV5 pegmatite. Planet 13 Holdings […]
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