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Uranium prices are in the mid-50s, their best launching point for any contracting cycle according to Cameco’s Grant Isaac
A second significant merger in two years has occurred in the ASX uranium space
Lotus will take over A-Cap Energy in scrip deal valuing the Letlhakane project owner at ~$65 million Uranium prices are having a solid 2023, one of the few commodities to be a regular winner on our Up, Up, Down, Down monthly commodity update this year. READ: Up, Up, Down, Down: June proves a solid month for commodities as iron ore runs and lithium holds firm At US$55.30/lb, according to Numerco today, the nuclear fuel is performing at levels around three times higher than its cyclical lows five years ago.Behind that is a couple things. Sprott and other physical uranium investors have soaked up available tonnes on the […]
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