TUCSON, AZ, Aug. 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Liberty Star Minerals ( “Liberty Star” or the “Company” ) ( OTCMarkets : LBSR ) is pleased to announce President/CEO Brett Gross has been recognized as a Qualified Professional (“QP”) – Mining, by the Mining & Metallurgical Society of America (“ MMSA ”).
As a MMSA Qualified Professional, Mr. Gross has experience as both an engineer and geoscientist “with the requisite experience in mineral exploration, mine development, operations or project assessment, including experience relevant to the subject matter of the project or report, and is a member in good standing of a recognized professional organization.” The MMSA QP can “certify or approve portions of reports that may be relevant to public releases of information (press releases…technical reports, etc.) that may influence the investing behavior of the public or a company’s shareholders.” ( MMSA/QP Membership )
Liberty Star’s Board Chairman Pete O’Heeron notes, “we […]
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