Cameco is planning on acquiring Westinghouse Electric with other partners
Summary Cameco produces and sells uranium and operates through two segments, Uranium and Fuel Services.
Westinghouse services roughly half the nuclear power generation sector and is the original equipment manufacturer to more than half the global nuclear reactor fleet.
Cameco appears to be undervalued, particularly when considering the accretive acquisition. One of the most interesting merger and acquisition deals of the year occurred this month when Cameco Corp. ( CCJ , Financial ) agreed to purchased Westinghouse Electric from Brookfield Business Partners ( BBU , Financial ). Cameco mines and markets uranium, while Westinghouse provides various services to nuclear power plants around the world.Cameco operates through two segments, Uranium and Fuel Services. The uranium segment explores and mines this important metal and also purchases and sells uranium concentrate. The fuel services segment refines, fabricates and […]
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