PALM BEACH, FL, March 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — News Commentary – Heightened demand and worldwide political unrest should increase the price of uranium in 2022 reports say. One report from Street Wise Reports projected that political unrest in Kazakhstan and a buildup of stockpiles is leading to tightened demand and opportunities for growth in uranium in 2022. It said: "The new year offers new opportunities for investors in the uranium market, as political unrest in top-producing Kazakhstan promises to tighten demand on the industry." In a recent industry report by Haywood Securities, analysts said the problems in Kazakhstan, plus a buildup of uranium inventory by the Sprott Physical Uranium Trust, could reignite the metal’s spot prices near-term and accelerate a permanent shift toward higher prices. "We maintain a long-term bullish thesis on uranium demand/supply and commodity price and believe this short-term setup could rapidly transform into a mid-term […]
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