Three of the five areas under landowner agreements were cored. Whilst high grade phosphate with rare earth enrichment was identified in all three areas, one area stood out as exceeding expectations in terms of thickness of the deposit (the “ High Grade Area ”).
In the High Grade Area, a gross section of 3.8m of phosphate yielded a net section (with 12% P2O5 cutoff) of 2.9m, containing average P2O5 content of 20.0% and 2030ppm total rare earths. Assays were performed on pulverized 15cm intervals of core to eliminate any geological bias. The grade is in line with previous outcrop assays and as the thickness is greater at this location than indicated in the published literature, the section is at the high end of expectation.
Southwind’s immediate forward programme is to further assess these results and secure additional acreage. The Company will announce its plans for 2023 for the project before 2022 […]
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