PALM BEACH, Fla., Jan. 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — News Commentary – A recent article in Investing News focused on where will the price of uranium be in 2022. It said that "Uranium prices finally saw some positivity in 2021 after a decade-long trough. Where will they go from here? Uranium is an important fuel source for the nuclear energy industry. But prices have bottomed out in the past decade, with many investors wondering when the market will rebound. Driven by rising demand and massive supply disruptions, uranium prices shot up in 2007 from US$72 per pound at the start of the year to an all-time high of US$136.22 by early June. However, in the years since then, the spot price for uranium has mainly tracked downward on a steady slope. Since 2012 and through much of 2021, uranium prices traded under the key US$50 level, falling as low […]
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