NYSE American:EU
www.encoreuranium.comDALLAS, Sept. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ – enCore Energy Corp. (NYSE American: EU) (TSXV: EU) (the " Company " or " enCore" ) today provides an update from the South Texas Alta Mesa In-Situ Recovery (ISR) Uranium Central Processing Plant and Wellfield. Upgrades and refurbishments continue to advance as planned and on schedule for the 2024 resumption of uranium production 1 . The Company also announces further positive results from the wellfield delineation drill program and a continuing advancement of the newly discovered mineralized zone at the Alta Mesa wellfield. Site and production resumption work at the Rosita ISR Uranium Central Processing Plant and Wellfield (Rosita CPP) also remains on schedule for 2023 production.
The Alta Mesa ISR Uranium Central Processing Plant (Alta Mesa CPP) is advancing towards a restart of production and presently completing minor scheduled renovations with equipment upgrades and refurbishments underway. A thorough […]
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