Denison reports positive results from in-situ recovery test at the Wheeler Lake project in northern Saskatchewan. Credit: Denison “The recovery of uranium bearing solution at targeted rates and grades is history in the making,” Kevin Himbeault, Denison’s vice-president of plant operations, said in a press release on Monday. “Initial analysis indicates the hydrogeological system has responded as expected with pH trends, flow characteristics and uranium recovery meeting expectations.”
Mining and investment companies are jockeying for acquisitions in the nuclear industry and to develop the Athabasca basin, one of the premier uranium zones in North America, as a confluence of climate change concerns, green power demands and Russian aggression affecting fossil fuel prices widens the appeal of nuclear energy.
Uranium Energy Corp. (NYSE: UEC) has spent $570 million acquiring projects in the past year — including outbidding Denison for UBX in June — while Brookfield Renewable Partners bought Westinghouse’s reactor-building unit last […]
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