Cosa Resources Corp. ( CSE: COSA ) (“ Cosa Resources ” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the preliminary results of the airborne electromagnetic (EM) surveys recently completed on its 100% owned Castor and Charcoal uranium projects in the Eastern Athabasca Basin region.
Highlights EM conductors confirmed on both properties with more than 50 kilometres total conductive strike length defined
Conductors at Charcoal lie along the interpreted northeastern extension of the Collins Bay – Eagle Point conductive trend
Conductors at Castor were previously unknown and are located in a zone of structural complexity Keith Bodnarchuk, President & CEO, commented: “I would like the thank our technical team and the contractors, who, despite facing harsh weather conditions, completed the survey safely and on budget. These results are a success, with the survey outlining previously unidentified structurally complex conductors on Castor and confirming the extension of conductors […]
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