Baselode Energy Corp (TSX-V:FIND, OTCQB:BSENF) said a total of 15 drill holes in 3,214 metres (m) have been completed in its diamond drilling program on the ACKIO high-grade uranium zone.
The drilling program continues and drill holes AK23-082, AK23-084, AK23-088, AK23-092, and AK23-095 all had over 20m of composite radioactivity, indicating mineralization is broad and occurs in multiple lenses.
"AK23-095 is our 4th best drill hole by total radioactivity at ACKIO. We are confident this drill hole will help increase our understanding of Pods 1 and 7 in this area. The initial holes of this program focussed mostly on infill and definition drilling of Pods 4 and 5. AK23-095 was the first hole designed for delineation and expansion drilling of Pods 1, 2 and 7,” James Sykes, CEO, president and director of Baselode, said in a statement.
“Our best results to date have come from Pods 1 and 2, while Pod 7 […]
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