Anfield Energy noted that Slick Rock produced 2.2 million pounds of uranium and 13.9 million pounds of vanadium between 1957 and 1983 Anfield Energy Inc. (TSX-V:AEC, OTCQB:ANLDF) has announced that BRS Engineering has begun a preliminary economic assessment (PEA) for its Slick Rock uranium and vanadium project in the prolific Uravan region of Colorado.
The Vancouver-based company said the Slick Rock property is close to its West Slope uranium and vanadium project and holds a historical inferred resource of 2.5 million tons at 0.228% uranium and 1.37% vanadium, returning 11.6 million pounds of uranium and 69.6 million pounds of vanadium. Between 1957 and 1983, Slick Rock produced 2.2 million pounds of uranium and 13.9 million pounds of vanadium, Anfield added.
“We are excited at the prospect of both confirming, and improving upon, the Slick Rock PEA results previously issued, especially given that the results will consider the use of our wholly-owned […]
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